Appliances: |
Annual Savings: |
Turn off computer when not in use |
up to $120 |
Set sleep mode on computer & monitor |
up to $100 |
Turn off TV when not in use |
$25-$45 |
Wash clothes in cold water |
up to $75 |
Line dry clothes |
up to $200 |
Use a spin dryer to "pre-dry" clothes |
up to $100 |
Dry multiple loads back-to-back (while dryer is warm) |
$5 |
Separate quick drying from slow drying clothes |
up to $10 |
Don't use "heated dry" setting on dishwasher |
$60 |
Turn off 2nd refrigerator |
$150-$250 |
Clean seals on refrigerator door |
$3-$5, up to 2% |
Clean coils in back of refrigerator |
$3-$10, up to 4% |
Turn off biggest phantom power users (vampires) |
up to $150 |
Operate appliances during off-peak rates |
up to $220 |
Building Envelope: |
Sealing air leaks: If you do all on list |
up to $300, up to 20% |
Seal openings into attic from pipes, vents, chimney |
Seal attic hatch door |
up to $20, 1-2% |
Seal cracks, gaps in foundation |
up to $50 |
Seal openings from basement into main floor |
Seal around windows and doors |
Close damper on fireplace when not in use |
$60-$75, 4-5% |
Install fireplace doors (or seal fireplace if not used) |
$45-$60, 3-4% |
Insulate attic and foundation |
up to 20% |
Insulate crawlspace or basement |
up to $150, 5-10% |
Insulate attic hatch door |
up to $20, 1-2% |
Weatherstrip and door sweeps on doors |
$15-$20 |
Seal and insulate heating ducts |
$75-$200, 5-15% |
Install foam gaskets on electrical outlets |
up to $15 |
Seal off unused or little-used rooms |
up to $200, up to 10% |
Turn off bathroom and kitchen fans when not needed |
up to $30, up to 2% |
Windows: Do all on list |
up to $150, up to 10% |
Latch windows securely |
Install storm windows if you have them |
Repair broken windows |
Install plastic sheeting on the interiors of single pane windows |
Close drapes or blinds on windows |
Open drapes or blinds on sunny days |
Heating System: |
Add heat exchanger to fireplace to supplement heat |
up to $500, up to 30% |
Change furnace filters regularly |
up to $100, up to 5% |
Annual maintenance on furnace |
up to $200, 5-10% |
Insulate water pipes in homes with hot water heating systems |
up to $100, up to 5% |
Install radiator reflectors between radiators and walls |
up to $100, up to 5% |
Turn down thermostat |
up to $300, up to 20% |
Install programmable thermostat |
up to $300, up to 20% |
Hot Water: |
Insulate hot water pipes: |
$10-$20 |
Insulate hot water heater |
up to $50, 4-9% |
Reduce hot water temperature on water heater to 120ºF |
$20-$60, 6-10% |
Install aerators on faucets |
$3-$5/aerator |
Install low flow showerheads |
$10-$40, 3-6% |
Don't pre-rinse dishes before putting in dishwasher |
$40 |
Install water heater timer - use only with off peak rates |
up to $150, up to 30% |
Lighting: |
Replace incandescents with compact fluorescent lights |
$5-$10/bulb |
Replace incandescents with night lights |
$24/bulb |
Replace halogen torchiere with CFL torchiere |
$35/torchiere |